Sean and Alison’s portrait shoot!

Now this was a good time for sure. Alison and Sean are roomates. Well, not at the moment, you see, Sean is in china riding his bike across the country(see his blog HERE), and Alison is a teacher here in Atlanta but coming up in late august she is moving to GHANA to teach in Africa. So in the few months that they lived together, they wanted to have a portrait to hang over the fireplace. This was a really quick shoot being that they called me when i was across town during rush hour and they had to be at work in 20 minutes, meaning i had about 10 minutes to get the shot. I think they came out amazing though. Alison had one of the images shipped off and replicated as an oil painting, ill take a photo of that and post it here as soon as i can. enjoy!

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One Response to Sean and Alison’s portrait shoot!

  1. stunning! nice logo too…matty!

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