Monthly Archives: May 2005

i come from a land down under…

aussie 095 Originally uploaded by matty miller. here are a couple more from the aquarium in new zealand. ive always been a fan of the tiger fiish ever since i saw naked gun and lt. frank drebon stuck the fish … Continue reading

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50 on red…better be right

petatour 019 Originally uploaded by saladxdays. these are a couple of photos from las vegas. the one to the right is where we stayed, its called the stratosphere. the red light thing on top is actually a ride that shoots … Continue reading

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new zealand 2005

aussie 154 Originally uploaded by saladxdays. these are a few pictures from inside an aqarium in new zealand. we were lucky enough to get the hookup from a local core kid who worked there, and got a “backsatge” tour of … Continue reading

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