So im working on a project with my friend Jen and her company TRULY OUTRAGEOUS. She makes really cool crotchet animals and stuff. Shes in the works for making a book of her patterns and she asked me to do all the photography for it. So far its been super fun, and im super amped on the images. Here is a quick look at a couple of the photos so far. She is about to send me another box of goodies to shoot. I cant wait!!! If you want to buy some of her stuff or just want to take a look around, check out her etsy store right HERE!

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3 Responses to A SNEAK PEEK!!

  1. tony says:

    These look awesome!

  2. Buske says:

    What a great teaming up. Look awesome so far, can’t wait to see the rest.

  3. hun…some of this stuff looks really familiar! cute!

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