crush all fakes

Originally uploaded by matty miller.

so on sunday i witnessed the first band in a long time to make a huge impact on my life, play thier last show. as much as this show was a bumout for me, it was also a great fucking time. got ross for a little bit, took some pictures, and soaked up some insperation for a few years to follow. everyone there knows what im talkin about when i say that if the promise had to go out, this was the way to do it. they will be missed, but not forgotten.

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4 Responses to crush all fakes

  1. Anonymous says:

    Way to not mention your buddy Nichole. Poop.

  2. james says:

    these pics are sick
    looks like an awesome show

  3. faster than walt flanagans dog says:

    aww sorry nichole, you are the best badmittion partner ive ever had, even if you have bad taste in movies.

  4. Buske DNA says:

    Go veg!

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