skeleton walks into a bar, says gimmie a drink and a mop.

cruise 104
Originally uploaded by matty miller.

well heres some photos from when the family took a cruise out to pureto rico, bahamas, and some other places that my awful memory cant remember. a colllection of flowers, fisha nd fun. notice the CBA doing a pool shot during put-put on the boat. pure anarchy. this is the trip where i first aquired the wide andgle lens and was still figuring out how to use the camera(i still dunno how really). this is also when i aquired my ipod. and the CBA got his first mac. what a trip. get ready for cruise pics v3.0 this winter. im excited

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2 Responses to skeleton walks into a bar, says gimmie a drink and a mop.

  1. Buske DNA says:

    Ahhh… The Voyager Of The Sea®

    Can’t wait to mount her again!!!

  2. Jeff J Jawk says:

    let’s tame those pixel width’s…
    pictures bulding outside the border hoss…

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