hugo + jenn = awesome!

well if this wasnt just plain perfect, i dont know what is. jenn and hugo have had their roots planted in the new york hardcore scene for years and sprouted their love from moshing in VFW halls to the rituals of long island after the show diner hangouts. the found each other and made the perfect match. everything felt so natural at this wedding. always smiling and everyone was so damned happy for them. also this was my first experience with the venetian hour which pretty much rules. i mean after the perfect wedding, why not have an extra hour after it all and have MORE dessert!!! thanks guys for having me up and share such a rad day with you. and special props to my man zacXwolf for assisting me and being an all around fun addict. and now for the photos……

and zac with the rad candid photo of mom and dad!

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10 Responses to hugo + jenn = awesome!

  1. woah i have SO much love for these!

  2. laura says:

    So amazing!!!! So happy you caught the alter fist pump. You’re a f’in rock star. Fantastic job!

  3. hugo says:

    incredible. so gorgeous. you’ve surpassed all expectations (and knowing your work, my expectations were already high). our families have been so excited to see your shots without even knowing your work just because of your demeanor and how you were everywhere at once and getting angles no one knew existed, and i am sure they are gonna be as floored as we are. you are a HUGE part of our wedding, we can never thank you enough.

  4. Alison says:

    Wow! These shots are incredible. Based on your clear attention to detail on this incredible day, I knew we would be impressed! Can’t wait to see the rest!

  5. Awesome job Matt – looks like this one was a blast.

  6. Jenn says:

    Thank you so much for making the best day of my life even better by now having these amazing photos to remember it by.

    Thanks to Zac too who also did an amazing job- everytime i looked at him he had an ear to ear smile. I like to see that the people working are even having fun!

  7. amber says:

    these are freakin’ awesome! you always get the fun weddings…

  8. step one: i walked in the door and dropped my luggage down from a 3 week trip. step two: went straight to the computer just to leave a comment on this amazing post of yours. step three: had to scroll up one last time to look at that cotton candy shot again.

  9. Fun, awesome, and fantastic! these are *expletive* great. =)

  10. tONY says:

    you are two of my favorite people
    the love you have for each other shows in who you are.
    photos capture your very essence

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