more from the other side of the world

aussie 274
Originally uploaded by matty miller.

heres a few more form the aussie/new zealand excursion. the one on the right was an overlook in new zealand, one of the first places we went. there were tons of wood carven warriors, all naked with big hardons. pretty strange. and yes, there are plenty of pics of everyone in the band takin turns with the typical”hey im jerkin off the statue”pose. i wonder how many people a year do that in the park. the first pic below is of the sydney opera house, you can scale up the bridge arcoss from it, but it cost “heaps” so we just opted to take some pictures insted. one of the best times of the tour was when we were in brisbane,we went to a wildlife preserve, we got to feed the kangaroos. “never in a million years” came out of my mouth about twenty times. i have no idea what kind of bird i photographed but the lighting was cool so there ya go. and the surf off the coast of byron bay was simply breathtaking. oh yea, i attempted to surf, no dice.anyhow, on a diffrent note, i just insatlled 2 gigs of ram on my imac g5. i love this thing. over and out.

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