coney must be fifty to a hundred miles from here…

Originally uploaded by matty miller.

so yesterday we hit up coney island, we have access to a car so we took atvantage and hit up the beach. there are some sweet pawn shop/antique booth things out there where crackheads sell off some cool stuff. ofcourse when we get there, its closed. anyhow, ive never ridden the cyclone, and i was out to do it. so the crew of myself , danielle, lynn and her 2 roomies spent about an hour or so finding parking. keep in mind coney island is usually NEVER busy, but it was the first hot day of the year, so it was packed. once parked we hit up the nathans for another hour of waiting for some french fries, then it was off to the wonder wheel and cyclone. soon after i felt like i had been in a car accident, and decided to hang on the beach for a bit, hit up target, then cow on some burritos. all in all it was an awesome sunday. we need a car.

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6 Responses to coney must be fifty to a hundred miles from here…

  1. Anonymous says:

    weird almost went there myself yesterday,but hung on the pier instead.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “can you dig it?”

    great pics matt.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Great photos!
    Oh, and awesome Warriors quote too 🙂


  4. Buske DNA says:

    Hot pic of the little dude on the ride.
    You’re becoming a real pro, Mr. Miller!

  5. cassandra says:

    i got a blog.

  6. refinancing says:


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