julia turns 30 and has a jumping fetish.

ok so maybe its not a fetish, but she has a tradition that in every vacation photo she does a jump shot next to all of the popular landmarks. and since then she has incorporated the jump style into almost every photo she takes. so i figured, why not pull that card with some family portraits by the Chattahoochee river. anyhow, Julia is the younger sister of my friend Ken of whom i started my first hardcore band with. she is also married to the uber talented painter JEFF GUY. at 30 she has got her shit together, has a rad family, is an amazing teacher, and still looks like shes 17. also let it be known that she almost accidentally drop kicked her mother off a muddy shore into the river during this photo shoot. her mom got back by making her stand in a bush full of stinging nettle!


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5 Responses to julia turns 30 and has a jumping fetish.

  1. alison says:

    I LOVE Julia and I LOVE these pictures!

  2. Ken says:

    INCREDIBLE! Thanks again Matt!

  3. Julia says:

    Coolest.birthday.present.ever. Thanks Matt for being a part of it!

  4. andrew lee says:

    nice! especially awesome because I know them.

  5. Tony Price says:

    Awesome. I love how in #7 CRamsey looks tough as hell.

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