This is my good buddy Neighbor. He was one of the reasons that i got super amped on live band photography. He shot so many good bands in the mid 90’s when i was still a young lad and had a full head of hair. His images of Chokehold and Hot water music were so perfect in the fact that they looked exactly like the shows felt. All the intensity and intamacy from those shows were captured on film ( yes he shot all film, way before the digital photo days). So last night i got to hang with him, since he was in town from L.A. and some old friends were playing 2 different shows in Atlanta, the Carbonas and The All Night Drug Prowling Wolves. Good times were had all night and i even got to take some flicks of Neighbor to make my first animated Gif.

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One Response to NEIGHBOR

  1. Balotsky says:

    Purely personal of cusroe, and maybe too ‘soft’ for the character, but I prefer face [even if, to be blunt, the shadow on her upper lip conjures up the word ‘mustache’] 🙂

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