It’s A Small City After All

For the grand opening of a community art space here in Atlanta, i did a series of photos of iconic places in this beautiful city. I made prints of them and displayed them for the art show opening of WONDERROOT and if any sold, i would donate 100% of the sales to them to help launch such a rad place. I was so excited when i got he call that ALL of them sold and the folks at wonderroot were so psyched to have me donate $450 to them. WOO_HOO. well here are the images that were on display there. Be sure to check Wonderroot out , its so amazing to have a space where creative people can get together and have resources to make some awesome art!

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4 Responses to It’s A Small City After All

  1. essa says:

    first one is beautiful!

  2. jill says:

    the train is still my favorite.
    no watermark?

  3. i like um’ all but the train is my fav too…i am glad you posted this!

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