faded tattoos on our legs and backs…

Originally uploaded by saladxdays.

i can remember the night in long island. just moving from atlanta to a new town, didnt know too many people and feeling always a bit lost. i lived in a room just off the kitchen in our upstairs apartment. tommy was always out with his girlfriend and i was always at work so we never saw each other too often. but that night he pulled back my curtain at about midnight. “yo dude, silent majority just broke up” well there was no question about it, no rumor mill because tommy sang for them. i was crushed. not too many bands strike a chord with me like they did. thier last show was a mix of emotions and i was a very sad man to see them bow out when they did. but i now had a chance too see them again. and they never lost step. heres a few pics that i hope can show what a special night it was for everyone. thanks guys.

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6 Responses to faded tattoos on our legs and backs…

  1. Buske DNA says:


  2. tony says:

    wish i could have been there so bad…fuck.

  3. OxCONNOR says:

    two yuth’s up.

  4. jill says:

    cool site. thanks for the sm pics. wish i could have gone. stupid school.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great work!
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