I could not have dreamed of a better time, place or feeling in the air to ask Danielle to be my wife. We took a trip down Great Ocean Road in Australia. It was a beautiful drive and a breath taking backdrop of the 12 Apostles. I handed Colin my camera and let him know it was going down. I dropped to one knee and handed my lady a handmade raw diamond ring and asked her to marry me. We spent that night in a remote cottage by the water and we all cooked a rad dinner and spent the hours in front of the fireplace talking about how amazing Colin and Sonja’s wedding was and how great it was to have our engagement take place in the same week. Im still on cloud 9 right now!!!!

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  1. Mark says:


  2. Michelle says:

    Congrats! That is one amazing backdrop!

  3. tony says:

    You smooth son of a bitch! Congrats!

  4. Andre Pope says:

    It is a true joy to be married to someone you love. Congrats on your engagement!

  5. lisa says:

    i’m SO excited for you guys!! congrats!

  6. Ken says:

    Congratulations Matt and Danielle! I don’t think anyone can top that!

  7. jawkdna says:

    You make a sick team!
    I love you both!

  8. jill says:

    awwwwwww! congrats!

  9. Cassie says:

    Congrats!!!!! I screamed in excitement at work when I found out!

  10. It’s such a wonder to find the person who compliments you and who makes life journey that much more amazing. Having a shared ethical framework makes marriage much easier, as well. That sounds all serious, and it is, but I also hooted and clapped out loud when I read the news. Congratulations!!

  11. Dan Doty says:

    Awesome to hear, I am so happy for the both of you.

  12. bubba says:


  13. Laura Svec says:

    Congratulations you two! I miss you!

  14. Lauren says:

    YAY matty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that rules!

  15. Neighbor says:

    Congrats to both of you, Jawk is right, you make a sick team. Jay Leno wanted me to pass on his best to the both of you…

  16. lisag says:

    congrats!!! xx

  17. Mike says:

    Congrats Matt!!

  18. EMS says:

    awesome. so cool.

  19. john torn says:

    congratulations! i’m so happy for you guys! this is great news! i love you guys!

  20. joe pettis says:

    did you yell “straight edge for life” afterward?

  21. oh so romantic! great location, awesome ring, incredible couple! i love you guys! congrats!

  22. Rob says:

    Looks like leslie and I will be heading down to YOUR neck of the woods before too long, now! I’m so super happy for you guys. I hope Danielle farts out a thousand little Matts and Danielles. Congratulations! That was pretty slick, btw. May the nuptual noose wrap snugly around your throats forevermore.

  23. We are so happy for u guys!!!! Matt, you turned into a real gentleman, huh? Not bad. Congrats gang!!!! now eat some cheese.

  24. Brittney says:


  25. alex says:

    whoa dude! that is so awesome. congrats!

  26. rich hall says:

    fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!

  27. brohahnistan says:

    yo! this was the crowning moment on a week that had been more than amazing already…not too cheesy, but also not too gay….you played it just right dude! Happy day! congrats to you guys, from the first day I’ve known you this has always been meant to be.

  28. david (jacksonville) says:

    i’m impressed… wish you two the best but you already knew that

  29. Kimberly says:

    I love both of you guys.
    I was really happy when Nick told me this happened.
    I can’t wait to see you guys again…either in FLA or ATL.

  30. leslie says:

    oh my god I love/miss you guys. congratulations!!!!

  31. joeolm says:

    so stoked for you dudes. even my romance-author mom said she couldn’t imagine something better!


  32. CONGRATULATIONS! but who will do your wedding photos? haha congrats 🙂

  33. amy says:

    congrats matt!! (you even got down on one knee that is great)

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