new zealand 2005

aussie 154
Originally uploaded by saladxdays.

these are a few pictures from inside an aqarium in new zealand. we were lucky enough to get the hookup from a local core kid who worked there, and got a “backsatge” tour of the pengiun exibit. notice this is a point where i was using the fisheye lens way too much. ive calmed down with it since then. while taking these pictures i had to be wary of a trolly that would come by every few minutes of people checking out the pengiuns.if i didnt watch out, or have people looking for me, im sure i would have gotten runover. pretty high octane photo journalisum.

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2 Responses to new zealand 2005

  1. tony says:

    keep em coming! aflac!

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Is it a jackal? Is it a jackal? It’s a jackal. Is it a jackal? A jackal? I still think it’s a jackal. A jackal? A jackal?”

    nice pics dude!

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