M&M got married and it pretty much ruled!

so matt and michelle decided it would be a rad idea to get married and have one of the most fun weddings ive ever been to. that sure was nice of them. i flew into philadelphia, set my camera to the awesome setting and practiced my moonwalking while shooting a reception technique which im in the process of patenting. but for real. i had a blast at this wedding and matt & michelle radiated love all over that city. i was hard pressed to find anyone in the room who wasnt sporting an ear to ear smile. thanks so much guys for having me along for the ride!
p.s. this whole blog post was put together with the help of girl talk’s record “feed the animals“.

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13 Responses to M&M got married and it pretty much ruled!

  1. jesse says:

    really impressive. that shot of the “michelle” tatoo. WHAT?!?! the guys with no pants?!? the shot in the limo. WHAT?!?! really impressive, for real yo.

  2. Lisa says:

    Your photos make me want to get married again so I can hire you to be our photographer. They’re just gorgeous! Awesome job.

  3. kp says:

    Matt, your pictures are breathtaking.

  4. andrew lee says:

    nice job, matt. these are killer. i love the parking lot shots.

  5. mckay says:

    i can’t wait for next april!! great photos matt!

  6. Kendrick says:

    awesome indeed. you’re so good at talking men out of their pants, matt.

  7. Dennis Pike says:

    I wish my camera had awesome mode… all I have is manual… and that just means craptastic mode… seriously though. this is a rad set

  8. Vinnie says:

    ALWAYS killin it, Matt. Hope you’re making lots of money! You and your style deserve it.

  9. lisa says:

    these pictures are so great!

  10. evanxdeath says:

    a briefcase full of cash…why didn’t i get one of those? such amazing photos too. maybe you’ll start getting paid with briefcases full of cash as well. that would pretty much rule.

  11. jenn says:

    i’m with my hubby on this one. people need to bring more suitcases full of cash to weddings. we somehow missed out on that.

  12. ekc says:

    just ran across your site via converge posting… really awesome wedding stuff!!

    they feel like photos from a old LIFE magazine… really rad!

  13. josh says:

    gorgeous work here. some serious mood-capturing going on. i’d love to get a sentence or two on your reception strobist setup. please!

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