100 ladies art show opening and party!

i love my lady. plain and simple. shes been busting her ass to complete the 100 ladies solo art show at youngblood gallery. the work paid off and the opening was amazing, some many old and new faces came to celebrate and she sold a buttload of paintings. the SMILEBOOTH was out of hand. dolci odille made as super rad backdrop just for the occasion! the gallery posted images of each painting and if its for sale or not. if you still want to buy one the price is listed and the contact info is all available HERE! the party was the next day and was held at our house in east atlanta. we rented a 50ft inflatable slip N slide and had a huge vegan cookout. everything was perfect, even the rainshowers that happened about every hour. thanks to all involved!!

more smilebooth photos are HERE!

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14 Responses to 100 ladies art show opening and party!

  1. Cary says:

    LOL @ the drug free dude shot gunning a budweiser

  2. jesse says:

    i was sad but now i am full on depressed that i missed all of this. can we have a re-do? congrats, danielle.

  3. Tony Price says:

    There were a few “drug free” tattoos on this day, many of them no longer applicable haha.

    Anyway, great pics as always, Matt! So much fun on both days.

  4. evanxdeath says:

    so pissed we missed out on this. looks like everyone had a great time. and the 100 ladies look great!

  5. danielle says:

    AMAZING WEEKEND!!!!! Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating with us. This has been such a crazy time and it was so nice to have good friends around to celebrate with. That slip n slide was the most fun i’ve had in a long time. I love my man (matt), with out him we would not remember how much fun we have. oxoxo D

  6. Mom says:

    Unbelievable photos! The energy jumps right off the monitor and gets your heart going. You can feel the fun. Awesome turnout. Matt, as usual, captured the moments. I wish I could have been there. Congrats!

  7. Callum says:

    Damn! killed it! Cant wait to see you both in November! Smile booth better be kicking!

  8. Awesome Party Dude. Pretty snazzy photos too.

  9. Kate says:

    Jason, I hope I have the right website and this megsase gets to you. I don’t know if you’ll remember me I used to work at Active X Clinics with Gavin Routledge.I work from home now and have a client who moved up here from London a couple of years ago. He wants another tattoo but hasn’t had it done until now as he wants a good and reputable artist to do the work. I told him about your work. Could you email me back please if you’re still around Edinburgh.I hope all is well with you.Caroline

  10. That’s a mold-breaker. Great thinking!

  11. Litteraly half of the “uninsured” problem would go away if the “illegals” went away. Not only are most illegals likely to be without health insurance but they put so much downward pressure on wages for unskilled American’s that they wipe out the possibility of anybody else getting employer paid insurance if they work in certain industries.

  12. Apparently this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.

  13. Flav, we’ve (the NFL) has played 4 four games. That’s a 1/4 of the season. Not the 1/4 pole in racing. This race still has a long way to go.Side note: if you could choose your jock for the ride home, who would it be? I’m giving the slight nod to Chris McCarron > J.D. Bailey. I know Jerry seems like the more obvious choice, be took some big dumps in some big races. I trust Chris to make the right choice. Especially if he’s on “The Horse.” Alysheba, thy name is yours…

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