
everyone, say hi to milo! tony and jill brought this beautiful baby boy into this world on 9/16 at 8:11 pm. so far this little dude rules. he likes to mosh in his crib , eat a lot , and if you annoy him he gets pissed and will tell you so, just look HERE for proof! im so happy for the price family!!!

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5 Responses to milo!!!!!

  1. Alex says:

    Those look so good. Also a BIG CONGRATS to Tony and Jill!!!

  2. Tony Price says:

    Matt, thanks again. These look incredible, as usual. That lens is sick.

  3. Carter says:

    Nice! Have no clue how you managed to get so many shots of a newborn with his eyes open.

  4. ken says:

    These are great! Can’t wait to meet him!

  5. tommy corrigan says:

    Congrats! Matt these are great shots fam’.

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