dudes get ross in leipzig, germany

so theres this venue in germany called conne island
and they have an outdoor skatepark(that was covered in snow this time)
and a indoor 3 ft halfpipe(YESSSSSS) that spnies into an 8 ft half( WEIRD)
so i just shredded the 4 ft section all day
then we played the show. but the really special thing about conne island
besideds the deeelish vegan food they gave us….is when bands play
they get fucking insane with confetti! so we make it a point….
well atleast i do, to throw as much back out as is thrown at us
so basicly i didnt play my bass the whole show
ended up shirtless on the last song, stagedove and moshed to my own band
it pretty much ruled, we have a vhs copy of the show that i havent seen yet
i hope to burn it to dvd soon. heres a pic of turmoil playin in the maddness.
and a picture of the aftermath. i thinkevery show should be like this

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2 Responses to dudes get ross in leipzig, germany

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