Category Archives: family portraits

cutest baby award goes to – sawyer!

this rules. more here  on my new blog.

Posted in child photography, family portraits, general shennanigans | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


everyone, say hi to milo! tony and jill brought this beautiful baby boy into this world on 9/16 at 8:11 pm. so far this little dude rules. he likes to mosh in his crib , eat a lot , and … Continue reading

Posted in child photography, family portraits | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

looks like the stork will be making a delivery this october to the bagley family!

oh man. its so rad to see my friends moving along in this world and still “keep it real”. ive known andrea for what seems forever and shes happy as can be. absolutely radiant as shes only got a few … Continue reading

Posted in family portraits, maternity | 5 Comments