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the five mile grace – a matthew miller photography joint bio picture

Welcome to my Blog!

It started and ended very quickly. I took a photography course my junior year at North Gwinnett High school. 2 weeks later I was kicked out, and thats what I thought would the end of my interest of photography. Anyhow, many years later I found myself embarking on my first tour out of the country to Europe with my band ,Most Precious Blood, and for the trip, my mother bought me my first digital camera.I wanted to document every part of the journey(little did i know that i would tour europe a total of five times in the coming years).

Its been almost 6 years since that tour. I have traveled all over the US more times than I can remember.I've been overseas to Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, and all over Europe. Now I've dropped anchor after living in Brooklyn NY and doing the band full time, I bought a house with my lovely lady(and amazing tattooer) Danielle.We have two midget vegan pitbull puppies named Trainwreck and Justice. We just bought a beautiful home in East Atlanta Georgia. Life is really looking good these days.

I created this blog to show the kind of Photography that I have been doing recently, and also to have a platform to show what is going on in my life. I am available for hire when im not working with the best damn wedding photographers in Atlanta at OUR LABOR OF LOVE. Please get in touch or leave me a comment if you like what you see, or you want to set up a shoot.


matt- [email protected]

Yearly Archives: 2009

have heart plays atlanta one last time…

it was an emotional show. i have a couple of movie clips as well but i have no idea how to edit or post them, so hopefully ill figure that out soon and add them to this post. im in NYC right now and on my way to philly later this week shooting weddings, but i wanted to share these for everyone who was at the show and the dudes in the bands. i missed crime in stereo and cruel hand due to my fiancé getting moshed and we had to make an emergency trip to wholefoods for some vegan ice cream to make her feel better. i might be making plans to travel to boston to see have hearts final show…..

end of a year



have heart

wow. the amount of sweat/drool coming off the mic in this photo is just plain nasty!

julia turns 30 and has a jumping fetish.

ok so maybe its not a fetish, but she has a tradition that in every vacation photo she does a jump shot next to all of the popular landmarks. and since then she has incorporated the jump style into almost every photo she takes. so i figured, why not pull that card with some family portraits by the Chattahoochee river. anyhow, Julia is the younger sister of my friend Ken of whom i started my first hardcore band with. she is also married to the uber talented painter JEFF GUY. at 30 she has got her shit together, has a rad family, is an amazing teacher, and still looks like shes 17. also let it be known that she almost accidentally drop kicked her mother off a muddy shore into the river during this photo shoot. her mom got back by making her stand in a bush full of stinging nettle!


interview time!

check out my friend danny’s blog for an interview i did recently about being a heavily tattooed straight edge wedding photographer!
click HERE for the interview