the engagement shoot on the moon…

Our good friends (and old roomates in Brooklyn!) Erin and Chad came to Atlanta to visit, and since i am shooting their wedding in June, we figured it would be awesome if we did and engagement shoot while they were in town. Erin used to live in Ga a long time ago and always remembered visiting stone mountain as a kid, so we thought that it would be perfect to do the photos there. The day we chose to shoot was probably the foggiest day ive ever seen in atlanta. when we arrived at the mountain, you couldnt even see the top. But the fog made for some incredible photos and im so glad that we shot up there. Congrads to Erin and Chad!!!!!!

on the ride up- it was too foggy to climb so we took the SKYRIDE!

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4 Responses to the engagement shoot on the moon…

  1. this is flipping fantastic! my favorite yet!
    really really cool, matty!

  2. alex says:

    i remember riding around for work that day wishing i was taking photos for myself and not for work….foggy days are always the best! these turned out great matt!

  3. What I LOVE about this set is that it’d be easy to just reschedule for another day (if available due to the visit) or just simply decide on some inside shots. What you’ve captured is incredibly unique and you’ve given this couple something truly special. That skyride shot that accentuates the ring takes the cake. Awesome job 😉

  4. heather says:

    always good to see ENB on the other side of the camera. great job whoever you are!

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