war by other means.

this is one of those photos that i cant even believe that i took. this past weekend was AMAZING! thanks to everyone involved!! more to come when i have a minute to edit, until then…

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15 Responses to war by other means.

  1. jess ziegler says:

    holy shit matt- very intense!

  2. Ken says:

    What an incredible shot. I can’t wait to see the rest!

  3. Pieter says:

    Wow. Epic. Never felt the energy of a show on a picture like this before.
    Can’t ait for more.

  4. jenna says:

    this captures exactly how epic, intense, and profound trial and just burning fight in general was. props.

  5. Megan says:


  6. Josh says:

    What lens did you use for that shot?

  7. Guav says:

    What’s up with that dude who looks like he’s puking over on the right? Hahaha … that’s how dude is gonna go down in history—everyone else with their hands in the air, screaming, and him bent over the barricade, grimacing haha

  8. Shaun. says:

    if this was a painting…… not that its not an f-in awesome photo, but…

  9. wow amazing. for real.

  10. scott says:

    this image is so good… i can even hear it!

  11. Anders says:


    Like Shaun said, it looks like a renaissance painting.

  12. brohahnistan says:

    dude that trial set was the most out of control show I’ve seen in a long time. those kids went fucking crazy and you captured it perfectly. nice one!

  13. Doug says:

    Guav- That “puking dude” is actually trying to get over the barrier to stage dive. He made it, two seconds after this, and somersaulted on stage. Still funny looking now, though, innit?

  14. Greg says:

    Amazing pic!

  15. Yammi says:

    You have been a whole inpiration, your work it’s just AMAZING.
    Regards from Argentina .
    Bye bye


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