the FREE wedding!!!!!


so i work with some of the most phenomenal people in the world. easily. and these people inspire me in so many ways. an idea came to showcase some of the most talented and genuine in the atlanta wedding industry and the FREE WEDDING was born. i was very honored to be a part of the whole event and to watch kaitlyn and sam get spoiled to death with all the beautiful treats for their wedding. i didnt get to shoot much, but i held lights, shook hands, danced a little, and ran the smilebooth.

so much cool stuff went on for this wedding – check out all these rad blogs for more fun –once wed ,our labor of love blog, heidi’s blog, kendrick and david’s blog, amber’s blog, the dolci odille crew, craig’s blog and shelli’s blog.

oh the smilebooth…

and im not sure who out of the crew took these…but i love them!

and my fiance danielle did a free tattoo for the winners as well at her new shop ONLY YOU TATTOO.

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3 Responses to the FREE wedding!!!!!

  1. Kendrick says:

    now everyone knows i eat chairs. great.

    i looooove the tats danielle did. i think i actually like elephants more now.

    oh and i think you get some credit for that exit photo, too, since you were his lighting! so pat yourself on the back.

  2. you are the best matt. hands down. i love that shot of danielle tatoo-ing.

  3. Carl says:

    I’m a photographer in development, I noticed one of your photos in the pop photo mag then I thought I’d check some of work out. So I check out your photo blog weekly and, man, I’m loving it. I used manage a my friends’ a while ago then I got too busy school and stuff. So now I’m exclusively their photographer. Well, anyway just wanted let you how much enjoy your photos. Some the one I like the most have that 1960s-1970s high exposure scene to them. Keep up the good work, man.


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