hugo & jenn sneak peek!

holy freaking crap.
i cant wait to post this whole wedding. im listening to nothing but chromeo for the next 2 weeks so i can bust some ass and get these edited asap because this wedding was THAT amazing. kilts, vegan cake, bagpipes, NYHC tattoos, serious dance party madness, bride and groom custom bobble heads, high fives, and a room busting at the seams with love. stay tuned for more photos soon…….

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4 Responses to hugo & jenn sneak peek!

  1. Kendrick says:

    yessss! i’m obsessed with sunflare. i think it’s magic.

  2. Dennis Pike says:

    anytime “New York Hard Core” and “wedding” can be uttered in the same sentence…only good things can come

  3. Megan Case says:

    Lookin’ good….can’t wait to see the rest.

  4. Bulldog13 says:

    Man no lie i tought weddings were like knda femenine and like the pics were maintly for the girls but i have to admit you are very creative and even a guy can enjoy it 🙂

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