jill & tony are havin a baby!!!!

tony & jill & i have been homies since high school. i could write for hours about all the crazy stuff we have done in the years that we have known each other. ill save you the details but just know that we have been through a lot and remain super close until this day. i was honored when tony asked me to be one of his groomsmen for his wedding to jill over 5 years ago. and now for the birth of their first child, i was so taken back when jill & tony asked me to be the one to capture this time for them in photos. it gets emotional when you think that when their kid is 20 something and his parents break out the shoebox (iphoto?) of old pictures of when “mom and dad were cool” and they come across these images that i took for them, he will smile and think that, man, these ARE some cool people… and wow, thats me inside there… i can only hope that they look back on these and think that they made the right choice in having me be responsible for those memories…. ok enough of that. heres the photos. enjoy!

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15 Responses to jill & tony are havin a baby!!!!

  1. jawkDNA says:

    I love these people. I love these pics.

  2. Ken says:

    Ditto what jawk said! Awesome. Truly awesome.

  3. Cassie says:

    Definitely started tearing up. Amazing photos! I CANNOT wait to meet my nephew!

  4. Jahanna says:

    These are great!

  5. Myke C-Town says:

    These are really nice pics. Congrats, Tony.

  6. elizabeth says:


  7. Tony Price says:

    Obviously, these are incredible. Thank you, Matt, for being an amazing friend and photographer.

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. We can’t wait to meet the little guy!

  8. Broderick says:

    Now that’s the way to rock a maternity shoot, well done

  9. Uncle Terry says:

    WOW – truly beautiful photographs of three amazing, wonderful and loving people.

  10. genna says:

    amazing. fantastic job with the color and contrast! very original and as for the stars, so beautiful… yalls cute as hell.

  11. Barbara/Grandman says:

    Totally awesome pics! Very nice job Matt! I love them!
    Jill’s Mom – soon to be Grandma

  12. Barbara/Grandman says:

    OOPS – Grandma not Grandman —

  13. Raj says:

    Congrats TP ~ Jill .. aweosme pics mate !

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