i want your skull…..

so my long time homeboy and soon to be groomsman mr. kenn24 is quite a creative dude. he runs a screen printing company here in atlanta called wearwolf press who prints shirts for bands like cartel , de la soul , and even vice magazine. he also is a bad ass designer who has made t shirt designs for acts such as metallica , black lips and most precious blood. id say that kenn has a huge impact on me pulling my shit together to become a full time photographer. hes a forward thinking guy and is highly motivated. he definitely made me get off my ass and make something of my creative side. Kenn’s new venture is a combination of graphic design , screen printing , hand painting , and wood cutting. he had me come over last week and shoot the process of what it takes for him to make his new jumbo skulls. check out theother cool stuff that he makes and sell up on his ETSY page.

no go and buy his stuff!
and tell him matt sent ya!

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7 Responses to i want your skull…..

  1. Andre Pope says:

    Nice. Saw a post today on this over at OMG, then saw your photos.

  2. Tony Price says:

    Gotta get one of those large skulls, if I can figure out where to put it.

  3. Matt says:

    Really well done!

  4. Bazd123 says:

    Cheers for posting this Matt, those skulls are ace…I’ve just ordered some for my wall at work.

  5. essa says:

    can i buy the matt miller poster that we see in the back on the last picture? haha

  6. Gehan says:

    Hola! I’ve lived in the Mission for 17 years as of this month, except the year I spent in HAFC rehab on Treasure Island (which is still in District 6). People were tailnkg about how much the Mission had gentrified when I moved here in 1995, and by now I bet there’s not a single joint on Valencia that will give you food poisoning for free. You probably spend more on coffee each week than I make in an hour, but I worked for Netscape, so you’re welcome. I was probably a hipster until I quit drinking, and yes, the Mission is still a great place to live even if you don’t enjoy hangovers.

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