holy freakin crap! look at this wedding!!!!

ive been dying to show this wedding from the second i took the first picture! its also the first exclusive post on my new wedding blog. BIG NEWS, i am officially an associate photographer for OUR LABOR OF LOVE. ive been working with them for over 2 years as their assistant, but now ive earned my wings and i will now be booking all of my weddings through them. its a dream come true for real. so please head over to my new our labor of love blog and check out nicole and jasons AMAZING wedding. i will still be posting cool photo related stuff here, so dont fret, but all of my wedding stuff will live on the OLOL blog. now go check it out already by clicking HERE!!!

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4 Responses to holy freakin crap! look at this wedding!!!!

  1. Mrs Soup says:

    Congratulations! That is so awesome, and the picture is incredible too!

  2. Julie says:

    Congratulations! I didn’t know you were connected with them, but I’ve been following both your blog and the OLOL blog. haha What a coincidence! That’s pretty awesome! You all do such amazing work.

  3. Bea says:

    hey congrats matt! you totally deserve it. i’ve been obsessing about your photos since guav showed me your site.. cool wedding! xxox

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