Category Archives: pets

100 ladies art show opening and party!

i love my lady. plain and simple. shes been busting her ass to complete the 100 ladies solo art show at youngblood gallery. the work paid off and the opening was amazing, some many old and new faces came to … Continue reading

Posted in general shennanigans, pets, punk rock, tattoo portfolio | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

tim makes cool stuff.

my good pal tim makes some sweet handmade wallets. he hit me up do to some catalog type work for him and this is what we came up with. i think the first photo is one of my favorites ever.

Posted in general shennanigans, pets, portraits | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

billie.jean have you ever seen a puppy this freakin cute? her name is billie jean and i believe that she is half boston terrier and half bunny rabbit. please stop by the graveyard tavern in east atlanta and tell tara … Continue reading

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