The Dirty 30

On saturday August 9th i was treated with a incredible surprise birthday party. The planning has been going on for months and i cant believe that so much was put together and perfectly executed without me knowing at all. There was an INFLATABLE BOUCING CASTLE, a vegan buffet from SOUL VEGETARIAN a BADMINTON NET , a setup for CORNHOLE , and even shirts, posters and beer coozies were made and given out as party favors! Friends made the trek to Atlanta from NYC , Chicago, DC, and Florida. I was so taken back when i opened the door to see all of my best friends in the same room to celebrate the end of my 20s. Thank you so much to everyone who came out and helped me not lose my mind turning 30! And a special heartfelt thanks to my lovely lady DANIELLE for putting all of this together and still loving me even though im an old ass man now.

here is the poster that was made by WEARWOLF PRESS. and the design was by KENN TWOFOUR

Shirts were made of my favorite skateboard graphic. printed by WEARWOLF PRESS. and the design was a collaboration between KENN TWOFOUR and DANIELLE.

There was also a SMILEBOOTH set up and lent to the party my some of my FAVORITE PEOPLE.

to see all the photos from the SMILEBOOTH or to order prints just click HERE!

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3 Responses to The Dirty 30

  1. tony says:

    Happy Birthday, gaylord!

  2. TWOFOUR says:

    WELCOME TO OLD! AWESOME PARTY! Your face when you walked in the door was priceless. How much was in the piggy bank?

  3. Lauren says:

    is that joel?????

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