Tag Archives: smilebooth

i love the smilebooth…still!!!

meriwether & will had an AMAZING wedding in weatherford texas. im still taken back from it… to hold you over until the images are edited, here is some smilebooth love! to see more, just click HERE!

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you can’t triple stamp a double stamp.

do you know about the SMILEBOOTH?

Posted in general shennanigans | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Dirty 30

On saturday August 9th i was treated with a incredible surprise birthday party. The planning has been going on for months and i cant believe that so much was put together and perfectly executed without me knowing at all. There … Continue reading

Posted in general shennanigans, portraits | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments