how to clean everything….

here are some photos of the Propaghandi / Paint it Black / Foundation show at the masquerade here in lovely Atlanta GA. good times were had, almost broke my canon 5Dmkii from a stagediver that made me headbutt my camera, and lose my eyecup. luckily someone in the crowd found it between band sets! note to self, be more aware of my surroundings!


paint it black-


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5 Responses to how to clean everything….

  1. Vinnie says:

    Propaghandi rips.

  2. Tony Price says:

    This show was so much fun. My ugly mug made it into a few pics. Glad your camera is OK!

  3. Carter says:

    Nice! More Propagandhi!

  4. xvanx says:

    that one shot of dan is grrreat

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