burning fight

its late thursday night as i type this from my friend robs apartment in san diego. ive been editing photos almost non stop since i witnessed the greatest hardcore show ive seen in many many years. i saw lots of old friends and watched some of my favorite bands play one last time. this past weekend reminded me that some of us still believe in what made this music so fucking special to us as we grew up and how its still relevant as we continue our lives. thanks to everyone who made this whole magical thing happen. and to think that ill be doing this all over again this weekend in LA is blowing my mind. i feel so honored to be a part of it all. thank you thank you thank you!! here are my favorite images from the show in chicago. i hope they can hold a candle to what went down at the shows.

this was from the pre show –

these are from the 1st day of the fest

soul control-

damnation ad-






trial –

disembodied –

these following photos are from the second day of the fest.
the killer –

blacklisted –

have heart –

threadbare –

chamberlain –

reach the sky –

bane –

converge –

unbroken –

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24 Responses to burning fight

  1. Stephan says:

    This pics are sooooo good!!!!
    So much energy….my respect!!
    Greetings from germany,Stephan

  2. Tony Price says:

    Incredible weekend with incredible photos. Thanks.

  3. Megan says:

    OK…..so I’m really trying to cut back on the swearing. I can really cuss like a sailor at times. Let’s just say my jaw has been dropped and profanity has been flowing. You can really feel the crowd’s energy, taste the sweat, and hear the music leap at you from these images. Really nice work Matt.

  4. Tony Tripoli says:

    Beautiful beautiful photos… What were you shooting with? (Glass/lighting)

  5. jessika says:

    god damn dude. WOW. these photos are fucking off the hook. it makes me sad that i couldnt be there but im really glad that you got the opportunity to document it. you and your work are top notch man.
    love you and miss you and danielle! i hope we get to hang sometime this summer! <3

  6. alex says:

    INSANE! I am so bummed I did not get to go to this. But, the intensity and ridiculous power coming from these photos makes me feel like I was there. Great work, can’t wait to see the rest and the Cali photos!

  7. Dennis says:

    seriously, these are probably the best show photos i’ve seen in a long long time. i’m definitely looking up to you.

    what lens did you use?

  8. Justin says:

    Incredible shots. I am amazed and intrigued with these photos. Great work and mad props!

  9. Justin says:

    Oh yea,

    How do you keep from getting your gear broken? AB hanging on balcony somehow?

  10. Monica Z says:

    Also, it was so awesome to finally meet you! We would love to come to ATL sometime to hangout:)

  11. Bobby Altman says:

    My boy Andre Pope turned me on to your stuff and I have to say. I love it.

  12. Hil says:

    excellent shots…great capture of the moments – good shite Matt

  13. Lauren says:

    dammit!!!!! i’m forever envious of you now for being able to see Chamberlain. i hate you matty!!!!

  14. JawkDNA says:

    Can I get a God Damn?
    Matt these are fucking amazing. I love you brother!

  15. Anders says:

    Don’t know these bands, but these photos makes me want to listen to them and that’s what great live shots will do.
    They are all great and it’s VERY refreshing to see live photos shot from the band’s perspective. The engaged crowd makes these photos come alive in ways you rarely see.

    Awesome inspirational work!

  16. Mickey says:

    Thanks. These are fucking fantastic.

  17. Carter says:

    Damn, these are great.

    BTW, nice pic of Tony during 108.

  18. robert says:

    My goodness. Great photos. That is a DARK venue…. your flash setup must be hardcore!

  19. xtimx says:

    re:mr. jawk…goddamn.

  20. Danielle says:

    i love this man! how amazing has your work become, it blows my mind. i really like what the one guy said about not even knowing the bands and feeling the energy off the photos. you have captured a moment but have made it your own as well, that is what makes you good at what you do. oxoxo D

  21. Myke C-Town says:

    Man, these are awesome pictures, Matt. I was already depressed for missing this and these pictures make it THAT much worse. Ugh.

  22. Erika says:

    These photos are insanely amazing. You have some serious skill, dude. I’ve been waiting for this post because I knew it would be great, but you just blew my mind. Thank you.

  23. Rich says:

    Amazing Matt! Thanks.

  24. melo says:

    Seriously Matt… WTF?

    These are sick. I’m guessing some strobes to either side of the stage? How the hell are you getting those shutter speeds needed to freeze the action?


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